CBD 101

What is CBD anyway?

CBD (short for cannabidiol) is one of more than 113 compounds called cannabinoids that are specific to the hemp (cannabis sativa) plant. CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, however it doesn’t produce any "euphoric" psychoactive effects – meaning you do not get “high” from it.

What are cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are a group of diverse chemical compounds found primarily in the cannabis plant family as well as in our bodies. Cannabinoids act on receptors in our brain and play a vital role within our peripheral and central nervous system.



What’s the hype about?

CBD interacts with the body’s own endocannabinoid system, or “ECS” for short. The ECS is made up of activators and receptors (CB1 and CB2) that regulate physiological processes such as stress, sleep, mood, inflammation, and pain response[1]. CBD and other cannabinoids interact with these important receptor sites.

CB1 & CB2 receptors are found within the primary nervous system. [2]

  CB1 receptors

    • Located around the spinal cord and brain
    • Involved in mood and appetite regulation
    • Motor coordination and pain perception 

  CB2 receptors

    • Located in organs and peripheral nervous system
    • Primary receptors activated when CBD is ingested
    • Involved in stress and immune response
    • Active in the gut, respiratory tract, eyes, and bones